Future Projects
I have many irons in the fire:
I would like to work more for NOLS. Going back to working more field courses appeals to me.
Spend more time with horses: delivering more re-rations to NOLS courses via horse and working NOLS horse courses too.
I would like to go back to Patagonia. Whether more time in the Avellanos, Chalten, the Yelcho area, or some as yet unknown location, it matters not. It is the people and the region that matter.
Write more. I would like to publish a book on spoon carving. And I would like to write another book. On what, I am not sure.
Climb more. Do more first ascents: the Wind Rivers, Sinks Canyon, Patagonia, wherever.
I would like to learn to canoe and then do a trip on a giant Arctic river.
A big project now is renovating my house. There are so many things on my list. So much action needed for my visions.