February 14, 2023 / / Climbing
March 29, 2021 / / Desert Notes
January 27, 2021 / / Desert Notes

“How many times have you done this?” Tim asks.  “Oh, probably close to twenty” Ryan replies. Ryan is below us, wedged into a slot, rigging the green static rope to…

December 25, 2020 / / NOLS
November 18, 2020 / / Horses
August 22, 2019 / / Horses

At least the horses were easy to catch, even Doug. “Huh, our list of horses here says Cooper” I say running my eyes over the packing list for the re-ration.…

August 30, 2018 / / Climbing

We hunker.  The ambient air temperature is 45 degrees and last night’s dusting of snow cloaks Gannet and its cohorts.  A cold wind whips down from the Dinwoody Glacier, pushing…

July 31, 2018 / / Horses

September 2015–It is a classic September morning in the Wind River Range. Orange, yellow, and reds splash across the frost covered meadows framing the meandering, slow moving Fall Creek. Upstream,…

June 23, 2018 / / Alpine Notes

Is it possible to de-assess myself?  Stress is weighing on me, heavier than the sixty pounds of gear and food I am shouldering up this long, steep gully.  Kick, kick,…

February 10, 2018 / / Climbing

“What does one have to do to get in your blog?” John asks as we rope up below the Red Rock classic, Black Magic. I think for a moment.  “I…

November 19, 2017 / / East Africa

“That’s not rain, it is Chuck Norris pee!” KG yells across the maelstrom to the neighboring tent.  There is no pitter patter of rain, just a constant white noise, rhythmically…

October 25, 2017 / / East Africa
October 23, 2017 / / East Africa

I sit there, entitled to my crammed seat, or one would suspect, given my non-deference to the elderly, the mothers, the workers.  It doesn’t feel good, it doesn’t feel right. …

December 11, 2016 / / Horses

Zero five-hundred comes early. Burgers, beers, friends, and whiskey quickly turn twenty-three hundred into zero two-hundred pretty quickly as well. I guess that is why I drank coffee. Or maybe…

August 5, 2016 / / Alpine Notes

24 July 2017–The waning gibbous moon provides ample early morning light as our crampons crunch on less than hard snow. Despite the ample ambient lighting, all around me headlamps bob…