Category: Uncategorized

November 30, 2023 / / Uncategorized

Editor’s Note: I spent the better part of November 2022 through May 2023 working on a revamp of the NOLS Rock Climbing Educator Notebook. While there was some significant editing…

October 23, 2022 / / Uncategorized

Home is where you find it and where you make it; that is what I try to tell myself. I sit in a curvy, plush Victorian-esque rocker, worn on the…

September 19, 2022 / / Uncategorized

I could hear Anna cussing even though I was twenty yards behind.  “There are two parties ahead of us.”  It was exasperated and whispered, but the words drifted down through…

January 31, 2022 / / Family

  Editor’s Note: On the table by the window here at 616 Washakie sits a sun faded copy of Daniel Doan’s book, Our Last Backpack. It was a gift to…

February 10, 2013 / / Alpine Notes

“Get up.  Today we climb.”  I pull back inside the tent after sticking my head out the window.  Unfamiliar constellations shine down brightly from the clear, black southern sky.  High…

January 6, 2013 / / Uncategorized
August 12, 2012 / / Uncategorized

I thought I had a good shot at meeting my 6 year old goal in the fall of 2011.  I was working a fall  mountain section in the WInd River…

January 25, 2012 / / Uncategorized

Hey if any of you all are looking for recent blog posts, check out I have recently posted some stuff about my time down here. Also a bunch of…

December 28, 2011 / / Uncategorized

I generally try to stray from posting primarily photos of the happenings in my life in this venue , trying more to focus on the written word and its expression…

December 2, 2011 / / On Being a NOLS Instructor

The large windows that make up the far end of the A Concourse  at Denver International Airport afford a panoramic view.  I sit at gate A52 en route to Lander…

September 4, 2011 / / The Inner Workings

I don’t claim to know what it is all about.  I want to figure it out, but by no means do I have all the answers. I am engaged in…

February 28, 2011 / / Uncategorized

I own an iPod, but I rarely use it.  I can drive 15 hours without the radio in my truck being on.  I don’t need music or that type of…

January 17, 2011 / / Uncategorized
January 13, 2011 / / Desert Notes

This is an excerpt from my book The Art of Spoon Making So why the heck would any one want to carve a spoon?  That is a valid question. There…

January 5, 2011 / / Uncategorized

Is that a zipper on your hat?” I am commonly asked that question when I am wearing my usual winter hat.   You see, my hat has a built in pocket. …